spine is a tower that tiers shift to allow a tunnel of light
to travel through the center of the structure


New York, New York, US
Program_some boutique hotel/restaurant


a view is one's ability to see being situated in space at an incredible stance;
the view draws a perspective that eludes all the unnecessary objects and barriers, yet frames and accentuates what is imperative in a discriminative eye;

a vision captures a kooky image or a dreamy illusion in a state of imaginable trance in attaining an ultimate capacity;
the vision animates the essence of space which denotes a sense of proportion in the magnitude of its exoteric_interior fluency;


In a prospering urban domain like New York City, the spine redefines what can be achieved through its own strategic approach to height limitations and cardinal restraints. Fixed at a conditioned site where two facades are bordered by a structure, a building, or a some partition of an unknown kind, narrow site slots are common to waking cities.

The spine revisits the role of a 'core' as a shaft of bright light that operates as the central and most paramount aspect of the design. In its pragmatic state of apprehension, there is taut margin to how much a design can strip away from the essence of its structural skeleton before it loses the character of a tower. The extant circulation core is exercised to designate each floor in which the imagined core is later presented. In its existing obscured state, the spine carves a skylight that endures maximal light into the abysmal space. The beam of sunshine then penetrates the tiers, where balconies on each level shift to allow light to luster through, offering each floor a distincitve blueprint. Along with the variation in floor plates, the exterior guise is altered to permit for a higher luminance into the volume. In a similar approach, a free facade is composed. The facade is demarcated based off a grid of New York City that is morphed to exaggerate compelling aspects of the urban condition, in elevation. 


s14_ 4 weeks design
Professor, Kyle Miller of Possible Mediums